Giving Thanks

Once a year, we have a holiday all about food, family and friends, but what is most important about this holiday is being thankful! Every Thanksgiving, at dinner we go around the table and share what we are thankful for. This year I have many things to be thankful for but I am going to narrow it down to three. The first thing that I am thankful for is my family. They have all supported me and helped me a lot not only this past year but all of the past years of my life. When ever I’m feeling down I know that I can always talk to them. They have done so much for me my entire life and I really enjoy being around some of them every single day! The second thing that I am thankful for are my friends. My friends keep me company during the school day, and I would be very lonely without them. Their the ones who make me laugh and smile everyday, even on the bad days. I don’t know how I would have a happy life without them and I am really thankful that I get to be friends with such an amazing group of people! The third thing that I am thankful for is my life. I know, that is a very basic answer but I do truly enjoy living on this amazing world. I really love everything that life has to offer and even though it is hard sometimes, I know that it will always pick up again. I love how every step of life is something new and I like getting to experience all of these things one step at a time. As you can see, being thankful is a very important part of Thanksgiving and maybe this year you should think of what you are thankful for too!

A Genie in a Bottle

If I met a genie from a magic lamp, the first thing I would do would be to make three wishes! All genies have one main rule, you can wish for whatever you’d like, except for more wishes. Of course I would follow these rules because if you make a genie mad, you might not get the three wishes that you’d wanted. The first thing that I would wish for would be a monthly paycheck for one-million dollars. The reason I would want a monthly paycheck instead of infinite money would be because I would want some responsibility with my money. I would still want to be a normal person, and having a monthly limit will allow me to pace myself and not spend all the money at once. However the main reason I want a limit to the money that I would get is because of the joy of my life. When you have anything and everything that you could’ve ever wanted, life becomes less enjoyable. There will be nothing to want, nothing to do, and you would feel like you have no reason to do anything more with your life. The Netflix show, The Good Place really shows demonstrates this works, and is a great show to watch about life, and what comes after life. Also, after taxes in California, I won’t actually have that much money in my bank account every month. My second wish would be to stop climate change (mainly global warming). Climate change is a horrible thing. It does horrible things for our planet, and the wort part was that humans were the reason that this all happened. My wish will stop some of the main causes of climate change, and also the effects that have all ready taken place. If I want me and my family to be happy and healthy, why shouldn’t our world to be happy and healthy too. My third wish would be to have a happy and healthy family. Family is a very important part of my life. Staying in contact with your family is important and helps you stay more connect with your routes. I would also lake to have a family of my own one day, and this would ensure that all members of my family and future family will stay happy and healthy. This will ultimately help me to stay happy and that is all that really matters to me.